Another day, Another year. This is but a mere page in the histories. Eternity is so close yet so far. There is so much purpose yet to be lived.
As this semester is starting i cannot believe that it will be my third year as a small group leader. The first year was something uncontrollable, only the Lord would be able to do what was accomplished in the first year. The second year i was hanging my a mere string of mercy...yet the Lord was faithful and now all the girls of the first year are still faithful. And this third year I am starting from scratch and it's not as the first year, and it's not as the second, yet perserverance is what will be able to pull me through. I don't understand and i don't feel i have the strength to press on but time after time when i cry out to be saved, he comes through.
If i may be brave enough to say so...this year is the scariest of them all. It is the year of "you're either in this or not". All i can say is anyone can do a year...anyone can lead for two years...but once you're in it for more than a couple of years you're either at the verge of falling into complacency or you're in it with all your passion till you die. I've been thinking about eternity...if were to die today would Jesus tell me, "well done good and faithful servant?" Oh....there is just so much more I can do. There is just so much people out there. So many people that don't know they need to hear the greatest love story of all. And will it be up to me? No....that's were I am mistaken...I am just the vessel.....HE does all the work through me.
My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness (2 cor. 12:9)
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