Thursday, April 16, 2009

A Great Challenge

There is a sense of revolution within every soul. Why is that? I do not attempt to know why such things are the way they are but what I do know is that youth is usually connected with what we call rebellion. Is it rebellion that causes revolution? If so, can there be such a thing as good or bad rebellion? “Bad” rebellion is usually associated with disobedient children going against the parental establishment. But how about the good rebellion? Like that of our founding fathers who stood for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

When I hear the word revolution I immediately correlate it with the color red. Red for blood. In a revolution blood must be shed. It is the unnatural going against the natural. Perhaps the worst rebellion that humankind has seen is that of the forbidden fruit. The great disobedience of Adam and Eve caused a fallen world. However, the greater revolution that stood against a fallen world was that of the Great Commission.

There is a difference between rebellion and revolution. Rebellion leads to death while revolution leads to a resurrected principle. There is no doubt that the American Revolution was the greatest asset in what we have today: a free country. This privilege that we have was obtained through a price; it was inherited through blood. I do not believe in “good” or “bad” rebellion that will lead to a change in society but in a Revolution that will ultimately bring change.

Jesus once said that the kingdom of heaven advances forcefully (matthew 11:12). Why would Jesus talk so violently? It is because he sees things in black and white; there are no gray areas. To fight for what He loved He had to go through the greatest sacrifice of all: The cross. Through this He restored the resurrected principle of salvation through grace.

“Men Lay a hold of it” (mt 11:12); what is “it”? The cross. Once we carry our cross there is no turning back, and if we do, we have settled for sin (proverbs 24:16). Revolution comes though blood; has there been enough martyr's blood? Are we true revolutionists at heart? Or will we, like Judas, settle for thirty pieces of silver?

This is not rebelling against society, but rather taking back what the enemy has stolen: our spiritual freedom. With this said, let us strengthen the weak, save the lost and forcefully proclaim the Good New

1 comment:

Erika said...

Hey Michy!

Thanks for the blog comment...I sometimes wonder if people read mine as well but I write more to get my thoughts out than anything else. So I guess I don't really care. I like your blog're a deep thinker which I always appreciate!

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As for the heading, I work in design so I came up with that myself.Unfortunately, I don't know where you can find something like that online...

let me know if you have any problems!

Happy blogging :)

Your sister in Christ, erika