Tuesday, June 09, 2009

10 days In Tenerife

How to summarize everything that God did In ten days? I will try my best...

We took three planes In order to get to Tenerife. The first, from here to Dallas, then from Dallas to Madrid and finally from Madrid to Tenerife. It was three long flights and I barely had enough sleep in them, but I was very excited. As soon as we got there we got to meet Mark and Kelly Baumgartner, the missionaries who have been serving the people of Tenerife for six years. They are very organized people and as soon as we arrived they had work for us to do. The first night we helped some adult students practice their English with us; it was an afternoon full of laughter and love. After that we went to eat diner and that is when I had my first anxiety/panic attack in Tenerife. Everyday that I was there, I had one. I believe it was a combination of the physical and the spiritual; I felt discouraged by it but at the same time the lack of sleep and the elevation was probably affecting me greatly. Sometimes I couldn't eat because I would feel very sick...but nonetheless, when I worshipped, or laughed, it will almost immediately go away. Amen!

The first three days were spent it giving out tracts; I can say now that I am an expert in giving out tracts! hehhe . It was quite an experience to see how the people would react towards us. I heard that some people got cursed at , and others saw people crumble the paper in front of them. I didn't see that but I did try to give a tract to a girl and she told me "no, really no, no thanks." It was a bit shocking. There was also another day when we were helping another church pass out tracts and I got to see three events back to back that were targeted towards us. The first was two older women who were talking to each other and were cursing at us and talking bad about the church. The second was a college girl who was passing by us and talking on the phone with her friend, telling them that she will NOT go to a church. And finally, the third was this girl who was at least honest; she gave me the tract back (that looked like it had been crumpled) and said, "here, I don't want to throw it away, just have it back". I just laughed at the fact that I was so suprised that these people did not want to have anything at all to do with the church. They are so mad at the church, but they don't realize that it's not the instiution, but what the Cross did for them. They cannot seem to understand relationship. From what I observed...spanish people are very lonely.

One of the main highlights was the youth service. Thursday, the night before the youth service, Mark and Kelly dropped us off at a park. All 26 of us were together worshipping God and then the missionaries told us that we should spread out because people will be scared to approach a big mass of people. So we spread out into groups and I went off with the worship team and felt like we were preparing the place for God's presence. And sure enough God's presence was moving and we got to meet two girls and invited them to the youth night. As night set in, we started to sing more, and our team got together to worship the Lord. His Spirit was thick that night and I believe there was not a single person who wasn't feeling a brokeness that evening. I had my eyes closed for the longest of time and when I opened them I saw that there was a group of spaniards looking at us worshipping God. I also saw many walking by and just looking at to see what we were doing; I knew that they needed to hear a message in spanish and so I began to sing "made me glad" by Hilsong in Spanish. And they started to listen more and God gave me a word; "and one day every knee will bow down and confess that Jesus Christ is Lord". And when I said that, I knew they were listening and I knew that they were talking about us. I'm not sure what they thought about us, but whatever it was, God's word was proclaimed in the streets of Tenerife!! Those words were being spoken into the air and wether we truly believe it or not, JESUS is coming back!

Suprisingly, the two girls we met attended the youth service on friday! This is a big deal because young people in Spain are NOT into church at all. In fact, one of the days when we were passing out tracts we met this lady Isabella. She was so suprised that we had come to Tenerife because of God's work. Her exact words were: "It is so rare to see young people serving God; that is usually lef to the older people." I smiled as she said that because it meant that we were doing something radical! sweet! On friday night the Spirit of Joy poured out in that place! At first we played some games then we performed a human video of how we live in bondage sometimes because of our sins, and last we got into the Word and started ministering. Again, I felt the Lord speaking to me. I felt as if He was telling me that they were scared to think that this was all fake and that they were not going to feel His presence. So as we were playing slow worship songs I challenged them to step out in faith and even toough their faith may be as little as a mustard seed the Lord will honor that, and take it, and respond! I affirmed them that what they saw in us was real and that we were not fake at all, we really loved God. So, people started taking steps of faith. I spotted it easily becaue we outnumbered them big time! We were 26, and they were about 7. I saw one of the guys cry as one of our leaders was praying over him. Two other girls were crying and the two girls we had met at the park the day before came and were saved that night!! Amazing! I later asked them if they had liked it and they said "yes, we had never seen joy like this. This is really real. " That night we were dancing and having fun in the Lord's presence; there was freedom in the house!

One of the last highlights was the local church. The church....was beautiful. Because Tenerife is a turistic place, british people come and sometimes stay to live. The church is bilingual and every time we did worship we sang in spanish and english. On sunday morning we had a break and we got to see their worship...all I can say is WOW. It was the best thing I had ever seen....It really felt like WE were the church, and not the building. That's the best way I can explain it. Mark and Kelly are looking for a new place because the church is growing and the place where they are at does not hold their members anymore. I ask for your prayers in this situation! The Lord is doing a mighty work in there but the enemy does not want it to flourish. And with this I will finish....

One day I would like to go back. Maybe I will , maybe I won't, but I loved every moment in Tenerife. It made me realize a few things about myself, as well as finding out that ten days in Tenerife were perfect. On the last day we went to Mount Teide, the highest mountain in Spain. As we were driving up towards the base of El Teide we could see other islands; that's how high it was. I saw that many people lived on the mountain and I asked Mark, "is there any christian church here?" He told me that there wasn't and that a small group had tried to start but it wasn't doing very good. I looked at all the beautiful houses and tought to myself " I have actually come to a place where there is not a christian church in site. Just catholic, but not christian. There is no one here who can speak of a personal relationship with Christ. It's all tradition." I felt saddened but at the same time so happy that in this little island that God created in his Splendor....he had saved his Remnant. And I pray that those chosen ones will sow in tears and reap with Joy. All of this I seal in Jesus name, Amen. Thank you....to all who supported me!

At the university of La laguna...some university students together with some of the girls in our team.
Children...we had a reachout event at the park one day. Got to see children have fun, and some didn't want to leave the park! =)

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