Saturday, August 08, 2009

Alone for 3 weeks.


"A man of many companions may come to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother" Proverbs 18:24

These past few weeks has reminded me of what friendship truly means in the Lord. It is to be there at all times, to help each other, especially when both are facing the same thing. Being alone is pretty hard, and I think we both learned that these past few days. I wanted to write something to you so that when you feel down, or want to be reminded what life is all can read and find joy and peace. Following are a few things we learned during the weeks of july-august of 2009. Enjoy ;).

1. Break ups are hard, but many times neccesary. "For the eyes of the Lord range throughout the earth to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him" (2 Cr. 16:19). Being committed to Him will bring strenght....remember, everything is beautiful at its time. (Ecc. 3)

2.Cooking is fun! Potato salad not so good when you have been eating healthy for so long and then bam! a big chunk of potatoes and mayonnase. Great.

3. We want Cameron Ingalls to be our wedding photographer. =)

4. "Do it friend!" Has become more than just a joke....I think we say it seriously now....oh gosh....we're white.

5. Remember to always check the sign in the restroom....the boys sign sure looks like the women's....whoops. Big mistake (cucos).

6. We've learned that the songs "single ladies" and "all by myself" apply to our lives at the moment. LOL.

7. Learned that when Michel gets sick....and gets high on ibuprofen....the party's on!

8. I learned that you don't remember directions, don't know how to wash, and don't know how to upload pics. lol....

9. Olive garden has become our favorite restaurant. And when scarce on money...remember to order water, and share a plate with a friend, because the salad and the bread will fill you up. =)

10. Despite me going away to Sam and you living all the way in sugarland, our friendship has remained solid.

I want to thank you for being a good friend and thank the Lord that over all these years we have always kept in touch. You are what I call a "long life" friend. Together we have fought the good fight, and are still running the race...This is not a farewell letter but let me just say this....Going to heaven together will rock. I'm glad that we have that security in our savior, that we, and those who we love will be together forever praising the only one who is worthy to be praised. I love you friend. =)

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