I'm starting all over again reading the Word of God from the beggining. I came accross the Great Flood, or in other words...the Deluge. Many people know who Noah is and what the rainbow represents. Before reading on, I suggest you read Genesis 4-6.
Yea that's right there is a boring geneaolgy before Noah ever comes into the picture but get this....if you count the generations before Noah you will find that there are 9 starting from Adam and Eve. Noah is the tenth generation from the beggining of the human race. Why is this important? Because the number 10 means "perfection of Divine order" It can also mean "completeness" and if you realize, the number 10 starts a whole new set of numbers...meaning that something new is about to happen. The deluge is not about a mean God who wanted to kill everyone because of their wickedness, rather a picture of what we as humans go through when new seasons in our lives come forth. The bible says that every breathing creature was destroyed with the exception of Noah, his family and the animals the Lord told him to save. Why?
Genesis 6:9 explains why Noah was saved. First because he was a righteous man, second he was blameless and last, he Walked with God. Witouth these things, you cannot survive the next deluge that will come into your life. The point of a deluge is to swipe away anything in you that does not produce fruit. The whole point is that all "old" things are to be left behind. Old things cannot come into the new season....They must die, they must drown. Why? So that new things can come, so that whatever God wants to pour into your life may come through with order, and not face a disorder (the wicked people before the flood).
In the End you will find that when a deluge cleans out everything that you were holding on to, a lasting covenant with the Lord will remain. God wants to purge everything that is perishable (6:17) in your life. Only those who Walk with God will be able to withstand the flood, so that the righteous and the blameless will remain.
When I went back and re-read the Torah a second time I learned so much more than I did the first go-around. Deuteronomy in particular I like since it' a basis synopsis of what happens in the 4 previous books. So much can be learned about God in those first few books...
Yeah. i love it...im in genesis 24 right now.
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