Around 4:20 am I woke up from my half- asleep dreams by a horrible scream. It was a woman.I could hear some dialogue but I wasn't sure if it was a fight or a party.It just kept getting worse and all I could hear were screams and then a man's voice. Who was this? It didn't take long before I got out of bed and saw my roommate in the living room with the main door open, looking to see were the screams were coming from. I got informed that it was a woman screaming for her child not to be taken away from her. A man whom I presume to be a husband, or ex husband, was trying to steal her child. She screamed like a lunatic; she cried out. I was immediately scared; I dared not approach the door and told my roommate to shut the door because I was thinking the worst: that he had a gun, ready to shoot. Just then my roommate shook her head and said, "Oh no, he has a knife! Oh no...I'm gonna call the police". I thought she said "gun"; the things you hear when your heart is beating so fast...
To make a long story short, the cops got here very soon but we're not sure what happened to the child, or to the man. Sonia and I settled back into our beds and for the life of me I couldn't go back to sleep. So I started talking to Sonia about how much our hearts were hurting for that woman, and we realized that that's why we lead young women to that those situations can be prevented and replaced by godly women who will then have successful relationships. We felt the need to intercede and so we did, and as we were praying the Lord gave me an image that blew my mind away...
The Woman represents the church; in other words, us. The man and the knife represents Satan, and the Child symbolizes the lost sheep. Are we willing to scream out and fight for that lost sheep just like that mother was doing for her child? I began to cry even more...I began to think of all my friends and family who were in the same situation as the Child, grabbed by satan who holds out a knife to those who dare to scream. The scripture that came to mind was when Jesus told peter, "those who live by the sword, die by the sword". Satan you will die by the sword! It is to the most utter importance that we, as the woman who was screaming, realize that we are not able to take the knife away from the oppressor. Salvation comes from Him only. This is OUR fight; our fight to pray against the darkness, but by no means will we have the victory on our own. Only Jesus can take away the knife. Only He is mighty to save!
1 comment:
Hey Michy! I really like what you have to say in this's so true. And there are so many lost sheep....keep ministering.
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