Recently I had another dream which has challenged the view I have of the church. Why do we go to church? Why is it that we get together as "believers" yet that's what we least do. We do not believe and take away from the glory of God and focus on ourselves and what we agree with and what we don't agree with. Quarrels, wonder why the the world wants nothing to do with the church. We are like....everyone else.
In the dream I was running away from this foul spirit that was chasing me and my two other friends. I do not remember what this wicked spirit's intentions were but all I know is that it caused fear, hence, we were running away from it. All I could think of was getting into a local church, and so we did. We found this little church in between these small houses where you could see the building's light coming out of the little church. As soon as we got in we went all the way into the front, to the altar of the church. What I first noticed was that there was no pastor in front. No worship authority, YET the church was worshipping all together. Some were praying, some were singing,some were with lifted hands, but all were glorifying God.
Almost as soon as we got in and thought we were safe one of the spirits that were chasing us came in. He was in a shape of a little boy. The little boy comes walking down the aisle trying not be noticed. He wanted to get to the altar, to get to us. All I remember was looking at this little demon boy while he was walking down the aisle when all of a sudden the whole church, as if they were all one person turned their heads towards the little boy and spread out their hands to say, "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus". Everyone was saying "I"; no one was saying "we". Everyone who was worshipping was now attentive to this little boy who was trying to creep in pretending he was just one of them. The church recognized it...there was something impure walking in and every single member of the church knew that it was not holy. It took a while for the little boy to go away, the words of the church were powerful but it was a huge struggle before the little boy gave up. After this I saw that the church went back to worship. It was as if they were saying, "Another devil cast out, let's go back to praising the only worthy to be praised".
Then again...almost immediately after the little boy left, the leader of the pack came in. He was a very tall man dressed in black. Again, he was walking down the aisle trying to make his way to the front unnoticed. And AGAIN, the whole church could feel wickedness coming in and they turned their heads to the very tall man and said the same words, "I rebuke you in the name of Jesus!" This time however, after the name of Jesus the church went wild. Some where screaming, some were dancing, some where clapping but ALL were shouting "JESUS!!! YES!! JESUS!". It was a celebration; it was supernatural. As soon as the church started glorifying God the strongman left. He couldn't stand it, all the praise was just too much. And then...I woke up.
If I could express in words the beauty of that church I would...They were all one. There was no division, in fact, when division (the spirits) tried to step in the church they immediately recognized it. Mark chapter 3 says that if a kingdom is divided against itself then it cannot stand! How then will the church stand today if it is divided against itself? Ahh...the current beauty of the church is when there is unison in all they do. The beauty of the church shines when Jesus is glorified. She is indeed precious, and if you are part of the church, you are indeed beautiful.
44All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. 46Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
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