Been reading the story of Noah lately and one thing stood out to me the most: Noah's patience. I started imagining how Noah must have felt...I know this is not much but I wrote down a few paragraphs of what Noah could have been writing if he had a journal.
"For forty days and forty nights all I have seen is indescribable. Sometimes I do not understand the Lord but I trust that He knows what is best. Right now the rain has stopped and we are waiting to hear from I AM but there is nothing. He only gave me instructions to build this ark but he did not tell me how long I will have to wait to even hear His voice. The memories keep haunting me as I recall the screams and cries of people who eventually drowned. Everything is dead. The breath of life only resides with me and my loved ones. We are still floating waiting to see land but there is nothing. Meanwhile the animals are getting restless; they had no idea they were going to go through all of this. My sons keep taking care of them as I spend some time alone crying out to I Am, waiting for a response. I must admit, seeing death face to face has been terrifying. All I feel is water...when Will we feel land?"
"The winds have stopped and we can see the sky. It is so beautiful; I never realized that sky can look so blue. I continue praying to the Lord but he is silent. All I have to give as an offering is my patience. My sons keep asking me if I have heard from Him but my silence at such questions says it all. My wife looks at me worried, wondering how many days we can survive with the food we have. I tell her, "Woman, the Lord knows our need. He will provide". It somehow comforts her but she walks away from me without saying a word. I know she is also praying."
"Today the Lord answered my prayers! I can see land! They are just the top of mountains I am sure but we are at least resting because the ark has stopped. We are resting on a mountain and little by little more keep showing up...the waters are finally receding. How long will we be here? I am not sure but I know that the Lord makes all things new...and wickedness that once ruled this earth is no more. Will we be able to change the outcome of earth? I certainly hope so. Lord, I and my household will serve you. I am willing. I am waiting."
"And on the first day of the tenth month the tops of the mountains became visible" (Genesis 8:5)
As I meditate on Noah's story I realize that before a new world could commence, the old had to completely die. "Every living thing that moved...perished" (7:21). I once heard that you can find Jesus in all scriptures and it is so true. To live you must die to yourself...and that is what Jesus did for us. How can we truly live until we die? That is what Noah's story represents: The earth coming to its own end in order for new life to enter it. Many years later we still don't get it and there is much wickedness but Jesus died and resurrected so that we may have new life. So must we also loose our life in order to find it.
In a time where we can only see mountaintops the Lord requires patience. Noah's patience is what really captivated me. God only knows how long he waited till he gave further instructions to Noah. Surely Noah struggled, but patience was all he could offer to the Lord. So must we offer patience in times where we can only see the mountaintops but not the whole picture. Only God knows the outcome of all things but our diligence is what will eventually unlock the door for a new season to enter our lives.
"Be still and Know that I am God" (psalm 46:10)
There is so much more I would like to talk about but this will have to do...hope you are edified as I am.
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