Saturday, February 20, 2010

3 Months Prior

I know...I have not written in a long time. I have about three months left till graduation....Things are getting a little busy and that is why I have not had the opportunity to even write. Although I should be writing now more than ever (because of this creative writing class that i'm in) but it's not so. Lately, I have been really tired, with no motivation to do anything whatsoever. It's a hard place to be...knowing that in just a few more months a new life awaits me. I have reached my decision but will not be posting that till a few weeks before graduation. I will explain more in detail and you can count on it being a loooong post. I have refelected over these past few days and asked myself a question, "Did i get it right?" And all I can say is that I do not regret my four years at Sam. Not at all.

Now, off to do some more homwork. I really want to write and wish I had the time, but for right now this will do. I will update later....

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