Friday, July 06, 2012


Our 4 day Vacation Bible school program is officially over today. When I get back to the states I'll try to write more about the details about VBS, but for now I'll share little and show pics. During this 4 day long VBS I have been sick with a cough. Not only that, but I also got the people that are hosting us sick.... I felt pretty bad but they're so nice that it seems like they don't really care. But I know they do! jajajja who lilkes being sick? Well, prayers will be greatly appreciated. The cough is getting worse but i'm hoping it's one of those "it gets worse before it gets better" situations. We have a day and a half left. :( I wish to stay here longer, but I also miss home, especially because I'm sick. I also wish I could have enjoyed my favorite weather, but because I was sick, it was too cold for my body. Even though 60-70 degrees for me is not cold at all, I discovered it really is when I'm sick. Last, I want more time with the people I've met at Hope Center (The church we are currently helping out).

One of the highlights of this vacation bible school was that a parent told one of the local leaders that it was the first time they had seen their child smile. There had been 3 major deaths in the family, they told us, and the two pre teenaged girls (who are related and affected by the deaths) were able to smile and laugh when they joined our week long VBS . They encountered the Love of God!  Who can resist a loving God? You gotta smile! 

Pirate ThemeVBS

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