Monday, July 02, 2012

When In Ireland

When in Ireland many things happen.

I am glad to say that Sam did not get convicted with a felony and the the judge completely dismissed his accusation. This morning the pastors of the church and a few of the leaders got together and prayed for Sam. I don't think I've ever felt more unified in prayer for the cause of another believer. I felt like the disciples when they would pray for Paul to get out of prison. lol. But this morning as we were worshiping and praying we were all unified in one spirit, praying that the judge would think nothing of it and completely dismiss it. And so it happened. Sometimes I think we forget that when we actually crave a real answer from God, He will give it. Many times I think we do not want it. We're afraid he'll say no or something. But in reality, anything that is asked in His name will work out for the good of those who Love Him. Thank you for all who prayed.

Tomorrow will be our first day of Bible Vacation school. Pray for LeeAnn and I since we will be giving the first lesson. I'm pretty nervous; I forgot how a child thinks. All I can say is that I hope i'm fun lol. On another note, I've been asked to take pictures. And since I already enjoy that I couldn't say nay. Well, Will try to blog some more tomorrow on how it went.

1 comment:

PraisingGod1980 said...

Good Luck! I am so glad the judge was in Sam's favor and that all of our prayers were asked ten fold!