Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Because of you Daniel, I lost 10 pounds

On January 5th I began the Daniel fast journey. Some of you may not know that many churches get together at the beginning of the year and declare a 21 day fast. Many churches refer to the Daniel Fast, other churches say that you can do whatever fast you want, as long as you dedicate 21 days to prayer and fasting.

What is the Daniel Fast? It will be perhaps too long to explain in this blog, but you can find out more about it if you click here.

 I had done this fast only once a few years ago, and remembered that it had been a challenge, but not really life changing in regards to my eating habits. Professionals have said that it takes 21 days to form a habit, whether healthy or not. This time, it did take me 21 days to learn a few things about my life.

1) I learned that milk makes me bloated and sometimes dizzy.

2) I learned that I am allergic to Quinoa (or maybe I just didn't rinse it enough? I have a full bag of it if you want it).

3) I learned that soda elevates my sugar to the point where I feel the following symptoms: short of breath, dizzy, nausea, and it can trigger a panic attack)

4) I learned that taking processed, or regular sugars out of my life for 21 days reduced my hypoglycemia to the point where I did not get sick after many hours of not eating. Before, I needed a snack every two hours, otherwise I would feel the following: nausea, dizzy, low heart beat, fast heart beat)

5) I learned that after eating non-processed all natural foods, I could stay awake all night because of the excess of energy I received from them. I literally felt like I needed to work out in order to get some sleep. This did not happen often during the fast because I was also afraid of working out too much and  not getting enough protein. I am sure I could have done it, but because I was a novice vegan for 21 days I decided against it.

5) I learned that being a vegan is not really that bad.

6) I learned that I could get enough motivation to loose weight. I just need discpline.

7) I also learned that my period was not an excuse. I started this fast a week before TOM came to visit. Yes, indeed, t'was hard. But no need for chocolate cake, sugary drinks, or fried stuff ladies. It's all in your head. It's what you're willing to allow. 

8) I learned new recipes in general. New healthy recipes.

9) I learned that eating out meant Chipotle, even though during the fast I did not go to this restaurant at all.

10) I learned that if someone else does it with you, you will be more encouraged to finish. Preferably, if that someone lives with you.

This being said, after 21 days of no meat, only vegetables, some grains,  and water, I lost about ten pounds. I kept on telling people that I was not doing this fast for the sake of loosing weight. I really did not do this for that reason. In fact, through this fast, my mind was able to think clearly. I was able to dedicate some much needed time to Jesus. I prayed, I meditated on His Word, and I read. What was once a physical hunger became a spiritual one. For the first 5 days I had intense headaches. My body was trying to detox from caffeine, sugar products, and processed foods. My hypoglycemia seemed to be getting even worse. I felt I needed to eat every 30 minutes due to the low caloric intake. At first glance change just seems plain out scary. You think you won't be able to make it, but then you press through and you get this amazing experience. The important part though is not the 21 days. The important part takes place after the 21 days.

I am not gonna lie, my first day I ate like I used to. But you know what the difference was? My stomach had shrunk. I thought to myself....hmm...this will be a great start to notice what makes me sick.

Cheese. Cheese makes me feel bloated. The quesadilla kind of cheese makes me feel sick to my stomach. Sugar? It can bring my hypoglocemia back in a second if I don't control it. All of this knowledge I now treasure. What seemed so hard at first now seems so obvious. It's not about loosing weight peeps. It's about taking care of your body. Why would I cause myself to have hypoglycemia when I know it can be controlled? Why do I this if I have the knowledge?

I leave you with this qoute, something I learned quite a while ago and haunts me every time I read it:

Knowledge equals responsibility. Write it down. Chew on it. Meditate on it. If what you want wants you, and once you get it, it makes you sick...then why would you keep doing it? It is like an addiction. It is like sin. You just don't realize it's bad for you anymore. And you become this irresponsible selfish being. He bought you with a price, and your body is His temple. Treat it like so.

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