Wednesday, February 11, 2009

New Era

Sounds like a religion, but it's not. I am currently entering a New Era of my life. Next year I will be getting an apartment; a real apartment! I will be able to cook and have more freedom. Yey. I will be living at Cornerstone apartments and it will also be my last year of college. =(. Another thing that is new is Small group; almost all the OG's (original gangsters, from first year small group) is going through LTC, so that means that next year it will be a total new group. Well every year is different but this next year, I will be giving the rest of my girls away and sending them out two by two. Just like Jesus did with the seventy-two.

I have a vision that each girl will have a fruit like no other, in Jesus name I declare that. The Lord will do great things; I believe it.

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