A few days ago I was driving back from Louisiana where Danielle, Sonia and I had just had a sweet time in the presence of God. We had to come back on Tuesday night after the last meeting, right around 11 pm. We had taken a nap earlier that day knowing very well that we had to drive all night in order to get back to Hunstville on Wed. morning for our classes. For the first hour Sonia drove but I offered to drive for the rest of the night, and so then began the long drive from 1:30-4:30 in the morning. I believe the the Lord gave me supernatural strenght like no other! Usually my eyes would have felt very heavy and I would have found myself closing my eyes very often, but not that night. Yes, I was really tired, but my eyes were not closing.
It was probably during the middle of the night that I looked up through the rearview mirror and I saw Danielle and Sonia sleeping. I thought to myself "I don't know how they can be sleeping, I wouldn't even trust myself!" But because they were really tired they decided to take that step of faitth (haha) and trust me with their lives. I must admit that the reason why I took the wheel was because if Sonia or Danielle would have been driving I would have been with my eyes wide open, so I said to myself "I might as well drive if i'm gonna be awake anyway". So I drove, and Danielle and Sonia slept (Although Sonia trusted me less because she kept on waking up and asking me if I was ok hahaha).
The whole point of this story is because lately I have made decisions that will tremendously impact my future, and not only impact, but change. I have shared with friends and spiritual leaders my worries, my desires, and what I want to accomplish, and what they have replied continously is "I trust your walk with God, so I trust that this decision is wise". I don't know how you would have felt but I FREAKED OUT. I started thinking of what if I was wrong? How can they trust me? I need direction! And then out of the misery of my doubt I heard God speak: They trust you because you Trust Me.
We got to Huntsville safe that Wed. morning. I said to the girls "okay we are here" and Danielle woke up and said "Seriously?!" I laughed because they had trusted me the whole time and then were surpised that we had gotten there not just safe but on time.
People trust me and this is what I want to tell them:
Thank you for trusting me. Thank you because that means that you know that I desire to do His will before mine, and even though I don't trust my own heart (because the heart can be deceitful) I trust the the Lord will make known to me His paths of life. He will never let me go, and I will find Joy in His presence. That night when I was driving back, I put on my ipod and started singing songs of praise and songs of worsip, I believe that that helped me stay awake all night. I know that if i praise Him, I am close to his heart, and it is much easier to follow his voice when pressing into his presence, I not only want to know His voice, but also want to discern any voice that is trying to lead me. So thank you for trusting me, so that I may trust in Him and find his perfect Will for my life.
27My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. 28I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one can snatch them out of my hand.
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