Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Yet Another Day

Yet anothery day passing by....

Today there is going to be rain and today we are breathing once again by God's grace. I have been thinking about how wasteful we are with our lives. What are we really doing that will echo in eternity?

I have been thinking about freedom, how many of us are truly free? How I wish to be truly free from this world!! but then that would mean that Heaven is my dwelling place, and I am still here on earth. The only reason why that is not a bad thing is because God created us with a purpose. To love is to be vulerable and that is exactly what God did when he created us. He was vulernable at creation because He loved us and then we eventually disobeyed, and He was hurt.

obedience....I am responsible for whatever dominates me because at some point or another I yielded to myself, but if I obey God, it is because I am yielding to Him. (Oswald Chambers). "There is no power in the human soul of itself to break the bondage of a disposition formed by yielding". but "yielding to Jesus will break every form of slavery". What am I saying?
That everyday we are to yield to Jesus, willingly, and become His bondslave, because when we yield to ourselves, we become a slave and there is no power within ourselves to deliver us, but there is power when we Yield to Him. How many times have we stopped the glory of God to be manifested because we have not yielded?

I have hated myself for so long when that would happen....when I knew I was stopping God's blessings because of my willingness to yield to myself. And I became captive. But Jesus frees, and he wants us to live a free life! I am sure I have many things to be free from, but one by one God has pointed out anything in me that has offended Him (Psalm 139:23-24) , and one by one I must learn to yield to Him and come out victoriously free.

Today I feel a renewed love for Jesus. Why? because of this:

And I am certain that God, who began the good work within you, will continue his work until it is finally finished on the day when Christ Jesus returns.

And he will return! But until then, when we see "yet another day" let our hearts be renewed, let our desires be His desires, let us Yield to Him instead of ourselves, and let us pray this powerful verse:

"Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a right spirit within me." Psalm 51:10

How many times have I prayed this, and He never fails to answer.

1 comment:

Erika said...

I really like this one...I was just talking about the same thing with a friend of mine after church yesterday. How God has done such incredible things in and with my life as a result of obediance. It seems like everytime He calls me to do something big, it's scary because I know I can't do it, but it's cool because I know HE can...and so I follow having no idea how things will pan out and He has never once failed me. Obediance has allowed me to see His glory and it's a brilliant thing. And when I choose to back away because of fear in an area where He's asking me to jump, I beat myself up. Yet His mercy is enough to cover my mistakes and as I continue my journey I find that those times are less and less frequent because we gain confidence in Him through faith...anyhow, I'm rambling :) Good blog.