Recently a friend of mine posted a blog about the passions he had; I said....why not write about my own passion? Here they are...
1. I am passionate for God. Sometimes the worries of this world choke me up, but I am persistant. I don't have peace if God is not by my side. My prayer always is, "Take not thy Holy Spirit from me".
2. I am passionate about my ministry. Basically, my girls (small group). There has been a few challenges along the way but in the end I believe I was meant to meet them. I was meant to care, love, and lead these young girls that will eventually go back into the world and impact it for Jesus.
3. I am passionate about my family. We are truly favored by the Lord. I am always grateful because of God's mercy towards us. His four girls =). He always got our back.
4. I am passionate about reading and writing. I have not been able to read that much lately for pleasure but I love writing. I think I would have gone crazy if it wouldn't have been for writing all my worries out. Words are powerful to me, which I believe can also be my weakness. This is just because I can be intimidated by what people would say of me. I guess I can include photography in here...while im at it.
5. I am passionate about fellowship. I hate the feeling of being lonely at night; I lived a year alone on campus...roommates are neccesary for me (even tough they can get on my nerves; I still love 'em ). Now don't get me wrong, I love having a lone time, but I also love talking and enjoy the feeling that comes when conversating with good friends. (especially while eating at sonic or while drinking tea!)
6. I am passionate about singing. I don't know what I would do if I couldn't sream out a song every once in a while. It helps me release stress. =D.
7. I am passionate about Guatemala, my country. I believe this is a piece of earth that God blessed me with. It is the closest thing to heaven. Guatemala is a nation; Guatemala is a notion.
You are from Guatemala? My first two missions trips were to Guate. I was in Antigua with Students International...we also served in Gautemala city. I had always been scared of missions but that first trip changed my life forever!
I'm from dad is Mexican/Italian from California but my mom is Irish/British from Kentucky. Quite the mix! But that's cool about Guate and your trip this summer...the organization I worked with is still in Antigua and does trips that are open to may want to check out their site if you were interested in going there to do's
I don't know if they've changed much in the past 5 years but when I was with them, it was a great ministry!
I feel you on 1,2,3,5 & 7. Those are mine too, the whole Guate thing is weird. I was born here but there is such a love for my country and my people! You know what I mean...
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